Work is currently underway on the largest Matière CM4 arch ever built in the UK. In a unique application the 16.3 metre span, 6.5 metre high and 62.5 long structure is to become an underground high-tech work space.
We cannot yet name the client – but this is a company of world standing in a high paced, cutting edge, global industry. The new underground building will house unique research and computing facilities as well as an auditorium and exhibition area.
The Matière arch meets the need for high speed construction – vital because of the client’s need to sustain a rapid development cycle that sees almost weekly technology changes applied in real time. When complete the buried structure will be hidden by a green mound and meets the need for minimal environmental impact. More soon…
More Information
Mike Sanderson, Business Development Manager, Tel. +44 (0)1777 872233
E-mail: mike.sanderson@abmeurope.com Web: www.abmeurope.com
ABM Precast Solutions, Ollerton Road, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0PQ
Release issued: December 18, 2007
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